FTP publications 2000

FTP publications 2000


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Book chapter

Density Functional Theory of Super-Phenomena
22nd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York USA (2000) 97-104

Spontaneous Nuclear Clustering and Atomic-Electron Effects in Deep Inelastic Heary-Ion Collisions
Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics
World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore (2000) 99-103
Hot Hyperdeformed Coherently Rotating Clusters in 24Mg+24Mg and 28Si+28Si Elastic and Inelastic Scatterings
Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics
World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore (2000) 157-159
Non-Linear Dynamics
Complex Systems
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2000) 165-249

(4 publications)

Journal article

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Bose-Einstein Condensation of Atoms with Attractive Interaction in a Harmonic Trap
Australian Journal of Physics 53() 157-165
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The potassium channel: Structure, Selectivity and diffusion
Journal of Chemical Physics 112() 8191-8204
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Molecular dynamics estimates of ion diffusion in model hydrophobic and KcsA potassium channels
Biophysical Chemistry 86() 1-14
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K-Matrices for Non-Abelian Quantum Hall States
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials 61, 15() 10298-10302
Singularity Theory Study of Overdetermination in Models for L-H Transitions
Physical Review Letters 84() 3077-3080

The Low-Energy 9Be(g, n)8Be Cross Section
Australian Journal of Physics 53() 247-257

R-Matrix Fits Involving Levels of 8Be
Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics 62() 044607:1-8
A 2? Level of 8B and the 7Be (p,g) 8B S Factor
Nuclear Physics A 673() 526-532
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Electromagnetic properties of low-excitation states in 191Ir and 193Ir and supersymmetry schemes
Nuclear Physics A A 669() 241-265

q-Identities and Affinized Projective Varieties I. Quadratic Monomial Ideals
Communications in Mathematical Physics 210() 641-660
q-Identities and Affinized Projective Varieties, II. Flag Varieties
Communications in Mathematical Physics 210() 663-684
D-Branes, B-Fields and Twisted K-Theory
Journal of High Energy Physics 03()
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Exclusion Statistics in Conformal Field Theory and the UCPF for WZW Models
Nuclear Physics B 572() 547-573
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Finite Temperature Correlation Functions of One-dimensional Interacting Electron Systems
Australian Journal of Physics 53() 553-566
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A model of calcium channels
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: International journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 70883() 1-6
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Invalidity of continuum theories of electrolytes in nanopores
Chemical Physics Letters 320() 35-41
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Tests of Continuum Theories as Models of Ion Channels. II. Poisson-Nernst-Planck Theory versus Brownian Dynamics
Biophysical Journal 78() 2364-2381
Anderson-Localized Ballooning Modes in General Toroidal Plasmas
Physics of Plasmas 7, 6() 2302-2305
Anomalous Resurgence of Shot Noise in Long Conductors
Australian Journal of Physics 53, 4() 499-512
Comment on Conductance and Shot Noise for Particles with Exclusion Statistics
Physical Review Letters 85() 222
Isotropic Singularities in Shear-free Perfect Fluid Cosmologies
General Relativity and Gravitation 32, 3() 425-443
Coulomb Screening in Mesoscopic Noise: A Kinetic Approach
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12() 5251-5273
High-Field Noise in Metallic Diffusive Conductors
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12() 5233-5250

Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model with Open Boundaries
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33() 5391-5404

Quantum Properties of Classical Fisher Information
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 62() 012107:1-6
Duetting and mate-guarding in Australian magpie-larks (Grallina cyanoleuca)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 47() 180-187

Sensitivity of Nucleus-Nucleus Cross Sections and Atomic-Electron Effects in Dissipative Heavy-Ion Collisions
Physical Review Letters 84, 3() 423-426

The Shape Eigenstate is the Short-Lived Macroscopic Molecule
Physical Review Letters 84, 5() 1055
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Quantum-Classical Correspondence in Microscopic and Mesoscopic Complex Collisions
Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics 63() 014608:1-5
Integrability of the D2n vertex models with open boundary
Nuclear Physics B 583() 721-738
Density Matrix Renormalisation Group Method and Symmetries of the Hamiltonian
Australian Journal of Physics 53() 597-612
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Tests of Continuum Theories as Models of Ion Channels. I. Poisson-Boltzmann Theory versus Brownian Dynamics
Biophysical Journal 78() 2349-2363
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Drift waves in stellarator geometry
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 42() 203-216
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Bethe Ansatz for the One-Dimensional Small-Polaron Model with Open Boundary Conditions
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 69, 1() 251-258

Soliton interactions in perturbed nonlinear Schr?dinger equations
Physical Review E 61, 6 B() 7121-7133

Are spatial solitons of both polarizations stable in Kerr slab waveguides?
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering () 234-235
Polarization-locked temporal vector solitons in a fiber laser: Theory
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 17, 3() 366-372
Polarization-locked temporal vector solitons in a fiber laser: Experiment
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 17, 3() 354-365
Phase diagram of the SU(8) quantum spin tube
Physical Review B 61, 22() 15196-15202

'Anomalous' Resurgence of Shot Noise in Long Conductors
Australian Journal of Physics 53, 4() 499-512

Integrability of the D2 n vertex models with open boundary
Nuclear Physics B 583, 3() 721-738

Integrable impurities for an open fermion chain
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33, 21() 3863-3879

Quantum properties of classical Fisher information
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 62, 1() 1-6

Hybrid Model for Drift Waves in Fully Three-dimensional Plasmas: Theory and Applications
Australian Journal of Physics 53, 2() 259-287

(45 publications)

Conference paper

Solvable models in statistical mechanics: from Ising to chiral Potts
APCTP - Nankai Symposium 2000 ?, ?() 1-13
Mesoscopic Noise Theory: Microscopics or Phenomenology?
Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations ?, ?() 422-433

(2 publications)

Journal short contribution (non refereed)

Anderson Localization and Ballooning Eigenfunctions
Chinese Physics Letters ?() 33-35

(1 publications)