Physics Guide to Safety

A printable version of this document is availble in pdf format.


  1. Title Page
  2. Introduction
  3. Work, Health and Safety Commitment
  4. Access To Buildings in RSPhys and After Hours Approval
  5. General housekeeping
  6. RSPhys Induction / Training
  7. Emergency Procedures
  8. RSPhys Work Health and Safety Committee
  9. Incident and Injury Management
  10. Risk Management
  11. Electrical Safety
  12. Hazardous Substances (Chemicals and Gases)
  13. Radiation & Laser Safety
  14. Workshop Safety
  15. Laboratory Safety
  16. Wellbeing
  17. RSPhys Chemical Purchasing


  1. Laboratory WHS Risk Assessment
  2. Plant Risk Assessment and Management Summary
  3. Plant Pre-purchase Documentation